Cardiovascular Adaptations to Exercise and the Athlete EKG

Exercise is great for your heart – this we know. Endurance athletes, such as cyclists, runners and rowers, undergo higher amounts of cardiac remodeling than many other types of athletes. It is a necessary adaptation to the demands placed on their bodies. The heart is responsible for nutrient and oxygen…


CBD and Chronic Pain Syndrome

CBD molecular structure

Pain is one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose, a seemingly invisible disability. It is relative to the individual mind and body, manifests at different amplitudes, and often relies on good communication and understanding between the practitioner and patient to successfully determine its etiology. There is no cure for…


Antioxidants and Training: Friend or Faux?

What are the first words that pop into your mind when you think about antioxidants? Probably something along the lines of… beneficial, healthy and great for longevity. These powerful little protectors of cellular structure and function play an important role in physical well-being, especially when obtained naturally from foods such as berries…
