Category: Nutrition
Antioxidants and Training: Friend or Faux?
What are the first words that pop into your mind when you think about antioxidants? Probably something along the lines of… beneficial, healthy and great for longevity. These powerful little protectors of cellular structure and function play an important role in physical well-being, especially when obtained naturally from foods such as berries…
CBD and Training: Is It an Ergogenic Aid?
“Gluten Free” Won’t Make You Faster!
For those without clinically-diagnosed celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), going gluten-free may not exactly be the most healthy decision. This statement is supported by research, even though many “gluten-free-ers” refuse to believe it. Fad diets, like this one, can become so engrained for some, they are akin to…
A (Partial) History of Vitamins – Are Supplements Necessary?
A few years ago, an article published in The Atlantic investigated whether or not taking extra vitamins was actually good for your health. This same question appeared in other news outlets strewn about the internet, all with catchy headlines associating multi-vitamin consumption to a decrease in lifespan. There is no argument that vitamins,…
The Mediterranean Diet: Treating Your Ticker (and Waist!)
On a cool, sunny morning last week, I was sitting at the bar in PayN’Take, a local joint in downtown Flagstaff, constructing the basic skeleton of this article. As I fueled my thoughts with a routine cup of joe, I had the pleasure of meeting an inquisitive and seemingly balanced local woman. We got to talking, as women…
The Health Benefits of Beer (Yeah!)
Beer and sports go together like… well, beer and sports. Mountain biking, rugby, football – if the fans aren’t consuming a cold one while cheering on their favorite athlete or team, you can speculate (DD’s are important!) Budweiser’s famous Clydesdales ads are traditionally strewn throughout Super Bowl commercial breaks. Even…
Gluten Sensitivity… Are You for Real?!
Antioxidants and Training: Friend or Faux?
What are the first words that pop into your mind when you think about antioxidants? Probably something along the lines of… beneficial, healthy and great for longevity. These powerful little protectors of cellular structure and function play an important role in physical well-being, especially when obtained naturally from foods such as berries…
CBD and Training: Is It an Ergogenic Aid?
“Gluten Free” Won’t Make You Faster!
For those without clinically-diagnosed celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), going gluten-free may not exactly be the most healthy decision. This statement is supported by research, even though many “gluten-free-ers” refuse to believe it. Fad diets, like this one, can become so engrained for some, they are akin to…
A (Partial) History of Vitamins – Are Supplements Necessary?
A few years ago, an article published in The Atlantic investigated whether or not taking extra vitamins was actually good for your health. This same question appeared in other news outlets strewn about the internet, all with catchy headlines associating multi-vitamin consumption to a decrease in lifespan. There is no argument that vitamins,…
The Mediterranean Diet: Treating Your Ticker (and Waist!)
On a cool, sunny morning last week, I was sitting at the bar in PayN’Take, a local joint in downtown Flagstaff, constructing the basic skeleton of this article. As I fueled my thoughts with a routine cup of joe, I had the pleasure of meeting an inquisitive and seemingly balanced local woman. We got to talking, as women…
The Health Benefits of Beer (Yeah!)
Beer and sports go together like… well, beer and sports. Mountain biking, rugby, football – if the fans aren’t consuming a cold one while cheering on their favorite athlete or team, you can speculate (DD’s are important!) Budweiser’s famous Clydesdales ads are traditionally strewn throughout Super Bowl commercial breaks. Even…