CBD and Mountain Biking

This time around, a cycling-specific article reviewing the database of literature surrounding the application of CBD as an ergogenic aid. What’s the dirt on CBD supplementation – does it benefit or hinder training adaptations? Click below to read more!


ECG Knowledge Bank

While employed at Abrazo Arizona Heart Hospital, I became increasingly fascinated with the physiology behind cardiac dysrhythmias and ECG diagnostics.  The great thing about a telemetry gig: each 12-hour shift is different – for those with inquisitive, analytical personalities, it feeds your need. Because the hospital specializes in heart and…


CBD and Training: Is It an Ergogenic Aid?

“If exercise could be packed into a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.”  – Dr. Robert Butler, Founder, National Institutes on Aging If asked, I wonder what Dr. Butler would say about cannabidiol (CBD), or the combined use of CBD to…
