Do you participate in a sport that requires a year-round training plan? Or, are you just someone that loves to do something that you incorporate into your daily lifestyle, regardless of the season?
If so, have you ever wondered if there is a threshold… can you do too much of the thing you love and overtrain? Unfortunately, some of you have experienced this and the symptoms that come with it – poor recovery, carb and salt craving, irritibility, insomnia, etc. The implications of overreaching lead to must-needed rest and time away from training, and who wants that?
There are some tried and true guidelines that prevent overtraining and allow for those highly-desired performance gains. Our article is aimed specifically at mountain biking, however, the same concepts apply to running, road cycling, powerlifting, sprinting – any sport that should include a proper training plan, or at least an understanding of the limitations of too much exercise volume.
Check out our words here, published exclusively for
Year-Round Mountain Biking: Can You Ride Too Much?