The Health Benefits of Beer (Yeah!)

Beer and sports go together like… well, beer and sports.  Mountain biking, rugby, football – if the fans aren’t consuming a cold one while cheering on their favorite athlete or team, you can speculate (DD’s are important!) Budweiser’s famous Clydesdales ads are traditionally strewn throughout Super Bowl commercial breaks.  Even…


Extra Fat Burn After Exercise? Sorry, Ladies.

I overheard a conversation about a week ago between two women discussing their weight-loss plans.  “My trainer told me that I will burn extra fat for 24 hours after I workout,” one stated confidently. It’s a common statement and belief passed around gyms, the internet, and even in educational institutions.…


Stop Blaming Autism on Vaccines Already!

During his 2016 campaign, I read an article in the Washington Post explaining how Donald Trump still believes that vaccinations are to blame for autism in children. Why this was even a topic of his campaign is of question, but it was nonetheless.  Furthermore, at the rate the media was…


Ulnar Neuropathy and Cycling

Have you ever suffered from a loss of feeling in part of your hand after an extended bike ride? Not only is it uncomfortable, but the use of your fingers decreases the longer you continue, which can make shifting and braking difficult.  You may be suffering from a condition known…
