The History of Chest Pain – A Diagnosis of the Breast

While attending a conference for the American Heart Association in March, I had an interesting conversation with my doctoral mentor, Dr. Siddhartha Angadi. We verbally meandered to the topic of cardiovascular history, discussing something I strongly believe worth sharing (you’ll understand by the time you finish reading). In 1768, Dr.…


Gluten Sensitivity… Are You for Real?!

  If you’re not aware (and I don’t know how you couldn’t be), there has been a huge boom in the gluten-free market: books, celebrities, you name it. And the food products… some marked-up more than 300 percent. According to an article published by Dr.’s Glenn Gaesser and Siddhartha Angadi…


Healthcare “Reform” Act

Affordable Care Act

  Simply stated, I would say that I support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or simply ACA). I am going to assume many others also support it based on the same foundational value: that that everyone deserves medical coverage.  Without diving into reputable literature, on the outside…


Social Media and Healthcare: A Storm?

a bottle of social media pills

Social media is the most modern form of mass communication. It’s quick, it’s personal, it can be superficial or deep. It delivers the news, however uncanny or serious is up to the author and seeker. You could consider it a platform to replace town hall meetings, public debates of various…


We Can’t All Go to Fancy Yoga Classes

downward facing dog

Yesterday, I was pretty excited and surprised to hear that TIME picked up an article Dr. Siddhartha Angadi and I co-wrote in 2015. The original article was written for Zocalo Public Square, a non-profit, intellectual “Ideas Exchange” that blends journalism and live events. They solicited our expertise as contribution to…
